Aging well is a holistic approach to growing older with vitality, resilience, and purpose. It involves physical health and well-being, nurturing emotional well-being, and engaging in activities that bring joy. Join us for part II of this 3-part series! All sessions include the chance to win a raffle basket full of items relative to the topic!
Part II-Emotional and Mental Health with Dr. Phil Chard. Join renowned psychotherapist, Dr. Phil Chard, as he shares his expertise on maintaining and cultivating emotional well-being as we age.
Mind Within Matter
The Impact of Consciousness on Physical Well-being
Extensive research shows how one’s state of consciousness deeply influences health and physical well-being. We will examine how different types of consciousness create their own unique biology, the mysteries of the placebo effect, so-called “mind over matter,” and the powerful capacity of beliefs and expectations to directly affect pain, illness and healing. In addition, we will examine how to create states of awareness that relieve physical suffering and enhance overall health.