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November 27, 2018

MCH Community Supports Holiday Food Box Program

The holiday season is an important time to consider those less fortunate in our community and what we can do to help.  Residents, staff, and friends of Milwaukee Catholic Home certainly got into the charitable spirit of this time of year by recently participating in the Capuchin Community Services’ Holiday Food Box Program.

The annual Holiday Food Box Program provides central city families in need with food baskets that contain all the fixings for a festive meal during both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Approximately 1000 qualifying households are served at the Capuchin Community’s two Milwaukee sites; the House of Peace and at St. Ben’s Community Meal.

“While about one third of those who eat at St. Ben’s have access to a kitchen, they don’t always have the proper food, especially during this time of year,” says Capuchin volunteer coordinator Mike George. “In addition, many of those served by the House of Peace are the working poor who rely on our Emergency Food Pantry.”

Partners, such as Milwaukee Catholic Home, who participate in this cause are provided with food boxes and a detailed holiday shopping list. During the month of November, MCH staff and residents worked diligently to promote the Capuchin’s charitable appeal. While the initial goal was to fill and donate 25 food boxes, their efforts were clearly successful, as 40 food boxes were filled and returned to the Capuchin’s for distribution on November 15, 2018. In addition, $1,000 in cash was collected for donation to this cause.

“The outpouring of generosity to our neighbors in the city was AMAZING!” says Milwaukee Catholic Home Pastoral Care Associate Terri Adrian, who spear-headed the organization’s drive.  “Staff and residents made contributions which more than doubled our original goals!  Our boxes are filled not only with food, but also with prayers for continued blessings.”

To learn more about Capuchin Community Services’ outreach to feed the hungry this holiday season, visit their website here.

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