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March 14, 2020


Dear Friends of Milwaukee Catholic Home,

No one could have anticipated the disruptions that the COVID-19 virus has caused. Our priority has been, and continues to be, the safety and well-being of our residents. Over the past weeks we have implemented proactive measures to reduce potential exposure of the virus to our residents.

As you may be aware, Milwaukee County has announced its first confirmed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a continuing care community and skilled nursing facility, Milwaukee Catholic Home has been and will continue to follow the CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid) guidelines set forth to protect the safety and wellbeing of elders living in our communities. In light of the evolving situation in our community, we are now limiting visitors (and pets) on the Milwaukee Catholic Home campus.

Limiting visitors means a guest should not be allowed to come into our community, except in certain circumstances, such as end-of-life situations or when a visitor is essential for the resident’s emotional well-being and care. Those visits that occur are restricted to the resident’s apartment or an area designated for private interactions away from any common areas where residents may be.

We continue to pray for a quick resolution to this international crisis.

With Peace,

Dave Fulcher, CEO

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