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February 26, 2020

How Wellness is Defined at MCH

Now that we are a few months into a new year and a new decade, you likely fall into one of two groups; those that have remained dedicated to their new year’s resolutions in these first months of 2020, and those that abandoned them days after making them. Whatever group you fall into, we promise not to judge! 

A popular new year’s resolution for many seems to be focusing on their personal health and improving it. Some might prefer to put a renewed focus on diet, making a commitment to making healthier choices. Others may choose to find an exercise regime that works best within the confines of their busy schedules. While both methods are wonderful ways to make health and wellness a priority in your life, let’s not forget that there are so many ways that a person can describe themselves as being totally well.  

Here are a few ways that we at Milwaukee Catholic Home define “wellness”:

Health and Nutrition 

While an occasional treat should never be discouraged, it’s hard to feel your best when your diet is consistently poor. Luckily, at Milwaukee Catholic Home, eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing taste. Here, good health and nutrition are closely linked. Our team not only understands the importance of having fresh, healthy and diverse meal choices, but of being connected to the food that sustains us. Clare Gardens, our farm-to-table and community garden, brings fresh, local produce to our residents and creates a place of experimental engagement both for our residents and the broader community.  


Physical fitness is about choosing lifestyle habits that maintain or improve bodily health and function as we age and matureThis includes exercise, healthy sleep, regular medical care, and proper medication management.

Cognitive Health 

At Milwaukee Catholic Home, we fully believe that an engaged life is a full life, and that the more aspects of your life you engage, the happier and healthier you age. This means that no matter what stage of life you are in, you can always be learning something new, trying a different skill, and pursuing a new adventure. Engaging in creative pursuits and intellectually stimulating activities leads to good cognitive health.   


Being healthy involves so much more than our physical condition; while we’re thinking about the food we put in our bodies and the ways we stay active, priority must also be placed on our individual spiritual wellness. Spiritual wellness means living with meaning and purpose according to one’s personal values. Opportunities for growth can be created through participating in 

community and faith-based activities, personal meditation, mindful exercise like yoga and tai chi, and experiencing the beauty in nature.  

No matter how you best define wellness, you’re sure to find it at Milwaukee Catholic Home. Join us on Thursday, March 26th for our Spring into Wellness Health Fair. Featuring blood pressure checks, diabetes testing, eye exams, massages, reiki, door prizes, raffles, and goodie bags, this annual event is the perfect opportunity to receive personal attention regarding any of your health and wellness questions and concerns from a variety of vendors and professionals.  

While we hope to see you at the Spring into Wellness Health Fair, remember, that your health and wellness is a priority every day at Milwaukee Catholic Home. Take the time to visit us soon to learn more about how we seek to make your wellbeing a priority.   

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