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June 6, 2020


June 5, 2020


Dear Families of all Milwaukee Catholic Home Residents,

We would like to provide you with an update on the total number of COVID-19 cases at Milwaukee Catholic Home. To date, there have been a total of 6 residents in the Health Care Center, all located on the Special Care Unit, with confirmed COVID-19. We are happy to report that there have not been any additional positive or pending tests of residents since our last correspondence on June 2nd.

To date, there have been 4 confirmed cases among employees, 3 of whom were asymptomatic and are currently healthy without symptoms. Three of the employees were dedicated to the Special Care Unit in the Health Care Center on 2nd floor east. Included in the 3 is a new confirmed positive COVID-19 case since June 2nd. The individual was not scheduled to work since Tuesday of this week and while at home on June 5th, the employee had presented with symptoms and was subsequently tested for COVID-19. That test result was positive. This employee was also tested on May 25th and that test was negative.

We continue to closely monitor and screen all employees and essential personnel prior to their shift or when entering the building by using a health questionnaire and by taking their temperature. Addtionally, no employee is to come to work if they present with any symptoms. To return to work, a negative COVID-19 test result is needed. All staff and residents on campus continue to wear masks. Additionally, staff working on the Special Care Unit and Short Term Rehabilitation (2nd floor west) are wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE) which includes face shields or googles, N95 masks, protective gowns and gloves. Our full time Nurse Educator continues to work with our teams to ensure proper hand washing techniquies for our residents that are not able to cleanse themselves adequately.

Please take care of yourselves and each other during these difficult times. We appreciate and need your continued support through words of encouragement to your family members and our line staff. We will continue to provide you regular weekly updates and also communicate with you more urgently if any residents or employees test positive for COVID-19.



Dave Fulcher



Kara Grennier

Director of Residential and Supportive Living


Pat Shaughnessy

Nursing Home Administrator


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