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November 18, 2019

MCH Honors this Season of Giving

Because the fall season seemed especially short this year, the weather outside has already turned frightful! The most wonderful time of year is just around the corner; the time for, among other things, chestnuts roasting on an open fire and for city sidewalks to be dressed in holiday style. Yes, it really is beginning to look more and more like Christmas.  

While we make our holiday shopping lists and check them twice this season, we cannot forget that this is also the perfect time of year to make charitable giving a priority.  

Here are some of the ways that Milwaukee Catholic Home is choosing to celebrate this season of giving: 

Holiday Food Box Program 

Residents, staff, and friends of Milwaukee Catholic Home certainly got into the charitable spirit by recently participating in the Capuchin Community Services’ Holiday Food Box Program. The annual Holiday Food Box Program provides central city families in need with food baskets that contain all the fixings for a festive meal during both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. 

During the month of November, MCH staff and residents worked diligently to promote the Capuchin’s charitable appeal. While the initial goal was to fill and donate 25 food boxes, their efforts were clearly successful, as 50 food boxes were filled and returned to the Capuchin’s for distribution. In addition, $900 in cash was collected for donation to this cause. 

Everyday Amazing-Dementia Care Excellence 

“Everyday Amazing”, Milwaukee Catholic Home’s Dementia Care Excellence program, is an integral framework we use in caring for those with memory loss.  It is through our emphasis on compassion, sensitivity, and individuality that provides opportunities for community and connection to others and the world.  

Our “Everyday Amazing” philosophy features a variety of approaches that are evidence-based and research-driven. We make it a priority to continually update our programs and offerings to include elements of the latest research in cognitive health and overall wellness that meet the individual needs of our residents. 

For more information on how you can contribute to Everyday Amazing, visit the Charitable Giving page on our website or contact Caitlin Elftman at  

Employee Appreciation Fund 

At this time of year, Milwaukee Catholic Home residents are invited to consider contributing to the Employee Appreciation Fund.  Since MCH employees do not accept tips throughout the year, this appeal has become a very important way for residents to show the organization’s marvelous employees how much their generous work is appreciated.  The gifts are distributed in December to the approximately 300 hourly staff members.  

For more information on how you can contribute to the Employee Appreciation Fund, contact Caitlin Elftman at  

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