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January 29, 2019

Milwaukee Catholic Home Introduces “A Life Engaged” Program

At Milwaukee Catholic Home, we believe that an engaged life is a full life. And the more aspects of your life that you engage, the healthier you age. Expanding MCH’s commitment in engaging those we serve, we are proud to announce the “A Life Engaged” program.

For over 100 years, Milwaukee Catholic Home has had a holistic approach to engaging others. Throughout our history, we have valued the philosophy of whole person wellness, which specifically focuses on five key areas of a person’s well being. They include experiential social engagement, cognitive health, physical fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness and spiritual wellness. That is where “A Life Engaged” comes into the picture. This innovative program enables people to be engaged in something bigger than themselves in meaningful, joy-filled, and consistent ways. Activities and events made possible through “A Life Engaged” give residents, staff, friends, and guests of Milwaukee Catholic Home a sense of belonging and purpose, no matter where an individual is in their life’s journey. 

“A Life Engaged is about answering that call to get out there and experience things that inspire you and excite you … what is it that lights you up?” says “A Life Engaged” program director Amy O’Connor. “Whether that’s reading a good book or kayaking or gardening … it’s about you! A Life Engaged means to intentionally involve yourself with these types of experiences so that you will be your best self, your whole self and your happiest self at every age! It means that you create your life as you would like it to be!”

Although we are only a few weeks into the New Year, “A Life Engaged” has already brought unique and exceptional programming to residents and friends of Milwaukee Catholic Home in 2019.  On January 24, 2019, during the MCH annual Partnership Event, residents and guests were treated to an interactive ice sculptor demonstration in the Residence Courtyard. Upcoming event highlights include a “Paint ‘N Sip” evening on February 12th, Philip Chard’s discussion on “Engaging Life at Every Age” on February 27th, a Sprecher Brewery Private Reserve Tasting and Tour on March 1st, and “An Evening of Irish Music with Tom and Evan Leahy” on March 13th.

These and other program offerings throughout the year are made possible by the generosity of our “A Life Engaged” program sponsors, including the Milwaukee Catholic Home Foundation, Catholic Financial Life, M3 Insurance, Johnson Financial Group, Paratech Ambulance Services, Husch Blackwell, and Spectrum Investment Advisors.



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