Honoring the Heartbeat of a Nation
Why Do Americans Celebrate Labor Day? Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday in September, is more than just a long weekend marking the end of summer. It is a…
For more than a century, we have worked hard to enrich lives and provide expert senior care.
Charitable giving has played a major role in that history and is one of the best ways to support our
mission. These contributions allow us to create and maintain vital programs and services at
Milwaukee Catholic Home and Trinity Woods and ensure our communities will continue to thrive.
Have questions about making a donation? Contact Caitlin Elftman at 414-220-3213
or celftman@milwaukeecatholichome.org.
Honoring the Heartbeat of a Nation
Why Do Americans Celebrate Labor Day? Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday in September, is more than just a long weekend marking the end of summer. It is a…
Late summer’s challenges of heat, fatigue, and mosquitoes are balanced by the gratitude for abundant harvests; it’s essential to pause and reflect on our work’s deeper purpose, honoring the land, community, and ethical responsibilities in sustainable food production, as emphasized by Aldo Leopold and Christ.
This month our Farm Manager, Anna Metscher, highlights the exceptional work being done at Clare Gardens. Gone are the cool, dewy morning harvests with salad greens and herbs. They’ve been…
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