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July 26, 2022

Aging is enhanced by an active spiritual life

If you’re remotely familiar with current events, you’ll see there is plenty going on in the world that is unpleasant and frankly, frightening. Reading the headlines is painful, and it’s easy to get discouraged about the state of our world today. But as people of faith, we understand that despite all the turmoil and struggle, hope remains. God is on our side in even the darkest of times, and by engaging our spiritual life and finding new ways to connect with our Lord makes all good things possible, and makes us as a people happier, healthier, and safer.

Similarly, aging itself can be a hard adjustment. It’s difficult to accept that our minds and bodies don’t quite work the way they used to, and experiencing emotional pain during these transitions is common and understandable. But at Milwaukee Catholic Home, we understand that an engaged life is a full life, and the more aspects of your life you engage, the more happily a person can age. This includes a life enriching spiritual life. Talking to God and exploring new ways that your faith can strengthen and grow during the aging process can make these changes enjoyable and meaningful.

As an organization with a history of over 100 years of Catholic mission and ministry, our Pastoral Care programs are how we engage our spirituality and enhance our overall happiness and wellness; they not only lie at the heart of who we are, but they benefit residents with memory loss and addresses the needs of those who experience depression, loneliness, isolation, and other critical health concerns.

From daily Mass and the rich sacramental life offered on our campus, to the caring and supportive community found among residents, staff and friends, our Catholic culture is evident and is at the heart of who we are.

Here are just a few of the many ways that spirituality will continue to enhance aging at Milwaukee Catholic Home for the remainder of 2022.  

September 1st – Fellowship on the Farm

A day in God’s Creation! Fellowship on the Farm has become an annual visit to our organic farm, Clare Gardens. The day includes a tour of the beautiful grounds and garden, and the Catholic Ecology Center, our partners on this land! Our lead farmer, Anna Metscher, share a day in the life on the farm. We wrap up the day with a lovely farm to table “lunch al fresco”.

September 12th and 13thAnnual Fall Retreat- ONE IN CHRIST-Living in Peace in Divided Times 

Led by Fr. Tim Kitzke, our time together will be spent reflecting on the crazy brokenness of a world that can only be matched by the incredible nature of God’s love uniting us and healing us. God has done it before and always promises to do it again! Enjoy morning and afternoon sessions followed by Mass each day.

September 25th – Sunday Spirit Series – Connecting Faith, Environmental Justice, Sustainability, and Healing
The fourth and final installment of our 2022 Sunday Spirit Series – Faith and the Environment. Huda Alkaff, founder and director of Wisconsin Green Muslims is a grassroots environmental justice group formed in 2005. Ms. Alkaff will discuss the connections between faith, environmental justice, sustainability, and healing through education and service.

In addition to these special events, there are other notable opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ continue throughout the year.  We are blessed to have residents serve in the daily Mass as Lectors, Rosary leaders, and Eucharistic ministers to those not able to join us in the chapel. Our community will also be packing Thanksgiving food boxes for Capuchin Community Services, and we will be participating in a new service opportunity for the Kinship Community Food Center.

For more information on this year’s retreat and how our Pastoral Care programs enrich the lives of our residents, visit our website today!

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