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December 21, 2020

Milwaukee Catholic Home Residents Understand the Reason for the Season

Christmas (and the month of December preceding it) is filled with buying presents, decorating trees, and looking at festive holiday displays. It’s about baking cookies, walking in winter wonderlands, and reconnecting with family and friends. But these aspects of the holidays are not the most important. The reason for the season, after all, is celebrating the birth of Christ and all of the miraculous things that are made possible through Him. Among the many beautiful and sacred lessons Jesus taught us, he instilled in humanity the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself. This commandment places generosity and kindness above all else, and it’s a commandment that MCH residents are living both in word and in deed. 

Here are just a few of the ways our inspirational residents are sharing their gifts with others this holiday season. 

Anne Goode 

Being a parent to a newborn child simultaneously exciting and overwhelming. Being a parent to a child experiencing health problems, especially at the beginning of their life, can be downright heartbreaking. That’s why Anne Goode knits hats for premature babies staying at Children’s Hospital.  

Pauline Judy 

Connecting architecture and decoration is vital to the tradition of Faith, especially during the Advent season. Pauline Judy lends her design eye to making sure the decorations in the St. Anne Chapel inspire MCH worshipers to make a visual connection to the Divine. 

Trudy Klapperich 

“I’d rather knit than eat,” said Trudy Klapperich, who at 107 years is the oldest resident at the Milwaukee Catholic 

Home. She was ten years old when her mother taught her to knit and though there were stops and starts over the years, it remains her favorite way to pass the time. This Christmas season, Trudy has donated hats to students at St. Josaphat School, where principal Karin Strasser states that for many of these children, Trudy’s donation is not just an extra hat, it is their only hat. 

Paul Salsini 

MCH residents are finding ways to keep their minds and spirits active and engaged while social distancing. That means engaging in events participating in events such as Musical Theater Hour with Paul Salsini. This event is a great opportunity to learn more about the history of popular Broadway musicals while to find common ground in a shared passion.  

Cynthia Sommer 

When times get tough and life becomes lonely, a kind voice and a sympathetic ear is the answer to any prayer. As a volunteer for Eastside Senior Services, Cynthia Sommer frequently calls to check in and socialize with Milwaukee residents who need a friend this Christmas.  

Alice Stollenwerk 

Alice Stollenwerk is generously donating her time and expertise by leading MCH residents in a discussion on the all-important and complex topic of justice in today’s world. This relevant subject is especially poignant during the holiday season, where we all reflect on how we can better serve our fellow man. 







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