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December 3, 2020

Vaccinations are Coming-What Does That Mean?

Vaccinations are Coming- What Does that Mean?

The immunization advisory panel for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention overwhelmingly affirmed on Tuesday, December 1st that long-term care residents and healthcare workers (those living and working in skilled nursing, assisted living and other resident care facilities, pharmacies and in-home health care settings) will be given first access to a COVID-19 vaccine once it has been authorized by the federal government.

Health leaders expect vaccines to be ready for distribution at long-term care facilities in about two weeks

It is noted that initial doses may be limited and there could be a need for sub-prioritization within the groups. The CDC will provide guidance on how to prioritize and the State of Wisconsin will have final distribution control. If sub-prioritization is needed:

  • For long-term care facilities: state officials will be encouraged to consider prioritizing skilled nursing residents to receive vaccine doses first, then residents in assisted living facilities and residential care communities.
  • For healthcare personnel: state officials will be encouraged to consider prioritizing workers with direct patient contact, followed by workers in long-term care facilities, and employees without any known COVID-19 infection during the prior 90 days.

What plans are in place at Milwaukee Catholic Home for distribution of the vaccine?

We will partner with CVS pharmacy, our assigned Pharmacy partner, to guide the process of distributing the vaccination at MCH. At this time, we do not have all the answers about how and when distribution will take place but, this news gives us all hope for the future and we will continue to provide updates as details become available.

Please note, the vaccination process will take time and that means we need to continue doing everything we can to control the spread of the virus. We need to continue following the strong infection control practices we have in place. These things have not changed:

  • Wear your mask and PPE
  • Wash your hands and disinfect
  • Keep social distancing as a priority



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